Viticultural Innovations and Equipment at SITEVI.

The whole vine sector represented
- Tractors and traction equipment
- Equipment for soil maintenance and cultivation
- Sowing and planting equipment
- Irrigation equipment
- Crop protection, spraying and fertilising equipment
- Maintenance, grafting and tying-up equipment for vine and fruit tree pruning
- Grape harvest equipment
- Plants and vine nursery
- Engines, parts and components
- Landscaping and forestry equipment
- Agricultural supplies (fertilisers, plant protection, plastic, etc)
- Sustainable developement - renewable energy
- New technology for production and precision farming
Key Figures
- One farm in five has a vine-winegrowing activity. There are 85,000 of them in France. 57% of volumes produced are vinified by individual wineries. The remaining 43% are vinified by the 1,500 winemakers and dealers and cooperatives. (Source CNIV)
- France currently has 47,269 wineries with a total production of €218,182 (source: Axema economic report 23).
- In 2019, France produced 4.2 billion litres of wine, making up 17% of global production. It is the second largest producer of wine in the world by volume, behind Italy. Three quarters of the wines produced are still wines, 55% of which are red, 26% white and 19% rose. (Source CNIV)
- While the surface area of vineyards makes up 3% of French agricultural area, wine represents 15% of farm output by value (value at base price, €12.5 billion at production). (Source CNIV)
- Nearly 500,000 direct and indirect jobs are generated by viticulture in France. (Source CNIV) *
- 786 000 ha France accounts for 11.2% of the worldwide surface area devoted to winegrowing*
- The French vine and wine growing sector is established in 66 departements*
- 1 farm in 5 has a vine-winegrowing activity. There are 59,000 of them in France.*
*Press release september 2023