Meet the key players of the market.
People chatting at a business meeting in front of a start-up's stand

One-to-one business meetings with the exhibitors you want to meet

SITEVI offers you to optimize your visit by planning qualified business meetings with the exhibitors.

The purpose of this free service is to meet your requirements of saving time, making your visit profitable and finding new suppliers and concrete solutions to the progress of your projects.

Request my ticket

Identify the partners of your short or medium term projects

  • Meet the exhibitors whose offer fits your needs as part of a specific project
  • Save time during your visit with a preset appointment programme
  • Present your project during 30 minutes and get quality information about the exhibitor's services

With the upstream identification of your project and the matchmaking process, the SITEVI Business Meetings assure you to make privileged and productive contacts with the exhibitors and build during 3 days concrete partnerships for your future projects.

Do you wish to take part to the business meetings program?

The Business Meetings platform is now open! To access it, order your ticket for the SITEVI show, then access the platform from your personal space.