SITEVI, the must-attend trade show for the three sectors

Vine / Wine
Grape harvesting machines - Oenology, wine-making - Vine nurseries - Filling and bottling

Fruit & vegetables, Olives
Specific equipment for fruit & vegetable farming - Specific equipment for olive farming - Fruit & vegetable nurseries - Olive tree nurseries

All 3 sectors
Traction - tilling - Sprayers - Parts and components - Crop protection, fertilisers - Irrigation - Grafting, tying - Packaging - Handling - Rural and forestry areas - Renewable energy - Producer advice centre - Services
Key reasons to exhibit at SITEVI
To boost your direct sales
To win over new clients
To develop your clients’ loyalty
To raise your brand profile
Qualified visitors
- 56%: Winegrower / Winemaker / Oenologist
- 15%: Manufacturer / Equipment Distributor / Producers
- 12%: Others
- 6%: Arborist / Market Gardener
- 4%: Trader and Cellar Manager
- 4%: Professional Organization / Training / Services
- 3%: Olive Grower

SITEVI in bref
- 1100 companies from 25 countries
- 54 700 visits from 75 countries
- 650 business meetings in 2023
A trade show approved by visitors and exhibitors
% of visitors satisfaction
% of visitors complete their purchase project
% of exhibitor satisfaction
of exhibitors consider exhibiting again at SITEVI
contacts made by exhibitors / Over 45 new contacts
With SITEVI, gain access to leading and high-potential market
France, a world leader
- World's largest wine producer according to Statista 2023.
- 789,000 hectares of vineyards in France in 2023, representing 11% of the world's vineyards.
- 530,000 hectares of arboricultural, fruit, and vegetable production areas.
Europe, the heart of crop production
- A resilient market despite recent climate challenges, with SITEVI seeing a +7% increase in visitors in 2023 compared to 2021.
- 3.3 million winegrowing operations in the European Union.
- The Mediterranean region represented 82% of the world's olive oil production in 2023.

A wide-reaching show
- During its last edition, SITEVI hosted no fewer than 120 journalists and recorded more than 1,000 press mentions.
- Over 1,000 participants attended the 24 tasting masterclasses.
- More than 3,000 participants attended the 54 conferences and workshops.
Technological innovation
- 16 companies registered.
- 1 new technology area.
- Over 700 press mentions on the topic of innovation and the new products presented by exhibitors.
SITEVI Innovation Awards
SITEVI Innovation Awards: The quality of the innovations presented by SITEVI exhibitors solidifies its position as the reference trade show for vine and wine, olives, and fruits and vegetables.
In 2023, the SITEVI Innovation Awards welcomed 76 companies, with around 100 products registered and more than 300 guests during the ceremony. A total of 37 nominations were made, with 21 products/services awarded (1 special prize, 2 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 12 bronze medals).